
Exercise for more awareness
experiencing peace
Set the Intention.
Example: I intend to experience a sense of peace in the next few moments....
Here and Now...
In this moment… I suggest we explore the idea of peace…
Maybe just one of numerous definitions… meanings… aspects of peace…
You can say it out loud… Peace…
…if you speak more than one languages, say it in every language you know and give yourself a moment to observe the thoughts that come in when you say it…
Breathe in, gently… and on the exhale say the word…
Notice how your body reacts…
…Breath in…
If any thoughts arise, gently check if they are aligned with the Intention... if they match the idea of peace… do they bring more sense of experiencing peace...
… and whether they do or don’t, just let them go……
…release and let go and focus on your breathing….
in… …and out……peace… (in your mind or through your vocal chords, as it suits you more in the current moment)
change the way you say it next time…
….say the word peace at the beginning of the exhale…
… in the middle…
….or at the end…
you can slow it down it or…
…say it a few times during the exhale…
….Notice the difference… inside…and out…
…What feels the most comfortable…?
Play with it… …until you find the way that feels specially good…
…breath in…gently…
…breathe out…peace…
…and now… with that most comfortable way that your whole body enjoys… that feels like inside and out you are relaxing into the sense of peace….
… peace is in and all around…
…allow yourself the idea that the entire space around you at this moment is filled with vibration that can be named “peace” that you just created in this process…
…It came from you…… from your own being…
…you created it and breathed it out……and there is more of it… in you… underneath all the layers……you are one abundant, inexhaustible, everlasting source of peace…
…you breathe in….
….and transform the air into….peace…
….exhaling it…
…filling the space with vibration of tranquility……
your space…
to relax into…
….being yourself…a source of…peace…
tranquility…in which you reside…
May this exercise help you be present and act from this inner peace in your daily activities…